Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuning Out

Ladies and Germs, I hate to say it, but I am BURNED OUT. After fifteen months of blogging and over 420 posts, Burbanmom is actually running out of things to say. And, to be honest, I'm actually getting sick of the sound of my own voice (sight of my own words?). I've no idea how folks like Colin Beavan and Heather Armstrong do this - day in and day out or for years on end - but I tip my hat to them. Because me? Stick a fork in me. I'm done.

I need to take a nice long break. I need to re-energize myself and get excited about blogging again. Because right now? It's a big chore. And if it's not fun for me to write, it sure as hell ain't gonna be fun for you to read. Case in point: this post.

Also, I find that there just haven't been enough hours in the day since the kiddos went back to school, Daphne started dance classes, Ethan joined hockey (NO, I don't consider myself a pitbull with lipstick --- I gave up lipstick last year), sewing orders for Halloween are rolling in, and my house is a giant pigsty. OK, that last one is actually nothing new, but I think you get my point: I feel strapped for time and blogging has become just one more thing to check off the list.

And besides, there are so many things I want to dive in and DO, rather than just write about. Things like convincing our public's school system to join the Farm to School Program, sourcing out local cheese and grains for the family, joining the newly-formed Home Owner's Association Green Committee, and - God forbid - start working out and getting in shape. Any shape. Except round. That's my current shape and I'm not so much liking it.

Anyhow, in order to fit all these things in, something's gotta give. And I'm afraid it's the blogging. I've very much enjoyed writing about my journey to a greener life and this blog has accomplished way more than I ever dreamed it would. It was really just supposed to be a way to make myself accountable to family and friends - To ensure that I wouldn't start down the road to environmentalism, only to be distracted by something shiny. Well it has done all that and more! It has allowed me to make connections with some uber-awesome folks whom I otherwise never would have had the pleasure to meet. And for that I am so grateful.

I won't be gone forever and I'll be poppin' in and out with updates on various items - like hey, the comment period for the Endangered Species Act has been extended till October 15! (thanks for the heads up, Amy!) so if you haven't commented yet, what the hell are you waiting for? And who knows, you may find me popping up in unexpected places as well. You'll recognize me though, I'll be the sarcastic one with a bad attitude and an unrelenting pre-rinsing compulsion.

Anyhow, just wanted to let you know that I haven't fallen off the planet - BETH - as I know your biggest peeve is disappearing bloggers (well, actually I guess that would be your second biggest peeve, eh?).

I appreciate your understanding as I take a little time off to recharge my batteries. If you need something to read in the meantime, check out the links on my sidebar under "What's New in the Blogosphere" - they're all great blogs. Hopefully I'll see you around the farm stand!


EnviRambo said...

Put your time to good use. Less talk more action is good thing. Good luck in your efforts!

We'll *sniffle* miss you! :(

Wendy said...

You have been an incredible inspiration to so many people, and well, you deserve a break! So, enjoy ....

e4 said...

Yeah, when it starts to feel like a job, you gotta step back for a bit. At least I do. I get a big kick out of this blogging stuff - much more than I ever expected. But only on my terms, and as they say, "terms subject to change without notice."

So enjoy the big room with the blue and white ceiling. We'll miss you, Burbanmom! *sniff*

Anonymous said...

i've enjoyed reading your blog tremendously and wish you well on all your upcoming projects!

EcoBurban said...

Thanks, Burbs for all the good times, the funnies and the great tips. I look forward to seeing you pop in and out! I will miss you, but can completely understand why you need a blogging break! Family first! See you soon!

Lori said...

Thank you for your tips and stories - we all appreciate your efforts and hope you find a happy balance between life and blogging!

Anonymous said...

Life can get a little overwhelming, can't it? I'm in the same boat - just not enough time for everything. I'll miss reading your new posts, but I'm a fairly new reader so I'll look at this as an opportunity to read the archives :)

Good luck with your new endeavors.

Robj98168 said...

Sure - Take some time off- I exppect to see a new vivacious, rested-up Bourban Mom when you decide to write again

Anonymous said...

I'm really going to miss you and your blog. I like the baby steps approach to greener living.

What about the yahoo group? And the volt-o-meter or whatever that was? Any interest in keeping that going?

And if you had future posts planned but not written, you could post the list on yahoo. Enough of your regular readers have blogs, we could each take a topic, research and write about it and you could post a link here.

knutty knitter said...

Go for it out there but do give us the occasional word or so. I'll miss your comments but I do know what you mean.

Lots of love

viv in nz

Anonymous said...

Hey, you've done a great job here, and I COMPLETELY understand about blogging becoming another chore on the checklist. You'll know we'll be here when/if you're ready to come back!

ruchi said...

Aw, I'll miss you, but I understand. And if you pull a La Crunchy and come back in two days, well, I'll understand that too!! :)

ib mommy said...

Well, damn. I'll miss your quirky sense of humor first thing in the morning. I think I'm going to cry.

Seriously, just want you to know you've been an inspiration to our family. We just returned from a school board meeting and the kiddo used the No Child Left Inside legislation as part of her presentation. She surely wouldn't have heard of that if not for you!

We'll miss ya!

Anonymous said...

I love how that has a name... a "La Crunchy." :0)

I'll look forward to your updates whenever they come. Best of luck with all of your many, many projects, and enjoy your blog break.


Anonymous said...

Well, hell...

Anonymous said...

Love your writing style, but completely understand time commitments and projects!

Maybe when you're up for it, just post once or twice a week? You had 21 posts in August - that's a lot!

Be well.

Heather G (another Rioter)

Anonymous said...

gosh, i'll miss your sense of humor! i've learned alot here, smiling, all along the way. but i certainly understand the calling to move out into the world and take a little blogging break. maybe you'll keep it up more than you think, just not such a tight, regular kind of schedule....a "come when you can" attitude will work for me! your voice adds so much to the chorus, but it's great knowing you'll be chiming in out on the real world front- where your voice and your delightful package of energy is so needed!

Going Crunchy said...

Just blog, or respond to things when you feel like it. I think when people just keep blogging limited to what is reasonable to their life it is a whole lot more enjoyable. Shan

Anonymous said...

Christ almighty, this is what happens when I get behind reading blogs. I didn't realize until today that you guys were quitting your individual blogs, but I'll be happy to continue reading you at the Phone Booth.

Part of me is jealous because I'm tired too! But I got a dose of energy at the "No Plastics Left Behind" conference this weekend and am ready to continue full steam ahead on Fake Plastic Fish.

Happy sun-bathing!
