Thursday, August 28, 2008

Laboring Away

Labor Day. Labor Day. Labor Day.

That just seems too short, doesn't it?

Labor Week.

Much better.

Carry on.


ib mommy said...

Frankie say relax.....

Unknown said...

**sigh** I have to work Labor Day this year, so my long weekend will be cut short.***sigh**

Heather Piper said...

Summer's end.


Dude, getcher priorities straight.

Anonymous said...

Life of Labor.

Anonymous said...

For those who get the three days... be very thankful.

I have to work 8 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Monday so mine really IS a day - Sunday.

Robj98168 said...

I have labored and I am ready. Of course the Union takes a strike vote next wednesday and the union has already reccomended not to acceot this offer and so I might have a labor month or two- no pay. Oh well.