Thursday, August 21, 2008

Have A Moderately Tolerable Period

Because who the hell has a "HAPPY" one? Come on. Is that the lamest advertising campaign ever? How many times have you woken up and said "yippeee! I'm so glad I'm on the rag! Let the good times roll, baby!"?

Well word on the street is that you can at least have a less miserable period and help the environment at the same time! That's right ladies (oh yea, Men: you are hereby excused from today's challenge), it's time to get personal about periods. It's like 7th grade health class all over again, minus the creepy teacher with yellow teeth and bad combover.

We all know that disposables are damaging the earth. And it doesn't matter if it's a disposable coffee cup, a water bottle or a tampon. Single use products made from virgin materials are horribly wasteful and, in most cases, 100% avoidable. So to save some space in our landfills let's look at some eco-friendly options:

* Choose feminine hygiene products that are made from recycled materials (This is what I first did when I decided to make a change for the better)

* Switch to reusable cloth pads like GladRags or Lunapads or Party In My Pants (This is what I do now)

* Try a washable menstrual cup like DivaCup, Keeper, Mooncup, or Lunette (SO many women bloggers swear by these cups. If I ever go "full flow" again, this is what I'll use)

* Get rid of the plumbing (ok, this one's a bit drastic and I don't think I want to advocate it. However, if I didn't list it, you can bet someone would tell me I forgot it and I'd hate for my list to look all incomple)

::wondering how many people will get that joke vs. how many will think just can't spell::

So your task is to search and find the most eco-friendly period protection you can handle. It's ok if you're not ready for a Diva, start small with something that doesn't seem weird and then you can at least and work your way up. But if you don't start somewhere, odds are you'll never change and you'll always be Tampax's bitch.

Oh, and if you're thinking the reusables are all too pricey - just remember that these are one-time purchases. It's not like you'll be buying these every single month. In fact, if you're handy with a sewing machine, you can make your own pads. And if you're handy with silicone injection molds, well you can make your own Diva Cup too!

I have made a bunch of reusable pantyliners and they are super-simple. I'm happy to give instructions to anyone who wants to make them. Also, if you're thinking about switching to reusables, or are just curious to see how they look and feel, you can enter to win a set of seven Burbanmom pantyliners! Just leave your name in the comments, letting me know you'd like to enter the drawing.

And as always, be sure to log onto the Yahoo! Group and tell the rest of us how happy your $*@!*^# period is!


lauren said...

Sign me up for the pantyliner drawing! Thanks for the offer.

Anonymous said...

'Burban Mom - I started reading you about 2 weeks ago. Great job on the blog. I started using the Diva Cup about a year ago and love it. I still have some leaks though, in the beginning, and would love to try some reusable liners. That's my next step. Keep up the motivation.

EnviRambo said...

I switched to the Diva Cup last October and I LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!! Not only do I not have to stand in the checkout line inevitably to run into the guy I had the hots for in high school whilst holding a box a tampons and midol, but, But, BUT, my cramps are almost gone!!!

I used to pop midol like mints. Then it quit working all together so I switched to Ibuprofen. Before I became a Diva I was eating 4 Ibuprofen every 2-4 hours like clockwork all day long. I am no expert, but 15 plus pills a day must have been doing a number on my stomach. And that was just enough numbness to make my cramps bearable. I was actually considering surgery.

After switching to the Diva Cup I have cut my Ibuprofen intake to two pills for the entire day! If that. Sometimes I make through without anything. Unfucking believable!

So you really can have a half ass happy period. ;)

EnviRambo said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention entering the contest. Too damn happy, I guess.

I have a 12 year old daughter who just became cursed. I think she's a little young to be a Diva. I am not sure what to do with her. Any suggestions?

We'd be willing to try the Burbanmom reusables. Enter us please!

Anonymous said...

oh crap, am I the first one here? ::blushes:: ok, sign me up to enter for the reusables. I'm having problems with my beloved Always with WIIIIIIINGS! so I've been thinking about trying something new. Might as well be something enviro-friendly.

And, oh yes, I HAVE woken up oh-so happy to have my ^&*$%#$ period - anyone else have an oops baby?

Anonymous said...

It's not quite as eco-friendly as the options that you've provided, but it's a good first step: I swear by O.B. tampons and will not give them up. (Pads and cups are just too gross for me. :p ) One of the things I love about them is that there are no applicators, so they're small and compact, and there's less waste. (I also think they absorb better than Tampax, because they're a different design.)

I love reading your blog, btw. It's really making me think about what other small changes I can make. Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Another option...also not quite as crunchy as the ones organic cotton feminine products. Organic Cotton Plus sells pads and tampons. I've been Divaing it up...but not quite ready to blog about my crotch.

Anonymous said...

Green sheep -- I'd suggest washable pads if she doesn't want to use a cup. They come in all sorts of entertaining patterns :-) There are also sea sponge tampons that are similarly washable and that might adapt better to a smaller person. You can usually find them in health food stores (and the internet, of course, has everything).

Elise said...

After reading your blog, Crunchy's blog and some of Fake Plastic Fish I actually ordered a Diva yesterday. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll be okay!

p.s. I'd love to also be entered to win :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered to win the pantyliners. I don't do the period thing all that often (love love love my NuvaRing birth control!), but everynow and then my body tells me it's time to have a period and I'd love to have a green choice available.

Oh, and love your blog - thanks much!

Anonymous said...

I had an oops baby and she is an absolute joy. My first pregnancy was very hard and I would not have had her if it had not been an oops.

I switched from regular maxi pads to 7th Generation and an European brand whose name I always forget due to skin irritation due to the fragences, etc. in the regular ones. Think I'm almost ready to start making the switch to reusables. Switching to cloth diapers was super easy so how hard can this be.

Please enter me in the contest. Would you please post the instructions on your web site for those of us who are saving money to have our sewing machines fixed. The leaking roof is taking a lot of the funds that were earmarked for other things.


Green Bean said...

I'm a Diva and really really happy! Okay, not the latter part. That's what being 37 does to you - days of headaches every month. Such a joy. But I do love my Diva cup. I can go all day and forget I'm having my period - but for the pounding in my head.

J said...

Great post! I am (a little nervous admittedly) going to be trying out the Diva Cup this month. I think I will buy a small box of the organic non-bleached tampons just in case, but I am going to have to get used to the Diva Cup. So many women swear by them, and it's hard to deny all the waste disposable tampons create.

Anonymous said...

I went on the non-estrogen b/c because of another health problem and my period went away - including cramps.

Maybe I should be giving away my old Tampons and liners that I am likely never to use again. Better than throwing them out?

Stephanie said...

I switched to cloth pads a couple of months ago and love them. I need to increase my stash though, so please enter me in the drawing for the panty liners.

Anonymous said...

Never thought I would switch from no applicator organic cotton tampons, but 3 years ago, I bought reusable pads and have loved them. I had been a tampon user since age 11 (I am 42) and had never used pads. For whatever reason it just feels right. If ever it stops being right, I will use Diva, but, I am hoping the whole thing will simply be over soon. Geez, who knew anything could last so long!

Anonymous said...

I just got the Diva cup and have used it one month. I think I will like it better after a little more practice with it. I am really hoping the no cramps part comes true for me too.
Please enter me for the drawing.

Unknown said...

Thank the Lord, I don't have to worry about this problem any more! However, I am interested in the DivaCup for my 16 yo. Is that too young to start using one?

ib mommy said...


My 17 year old talked me into getting the divas. I love mine, she can't get hers inserted properly. When she inserts the cup it won't open back up. I think she has tried just about every way to get it to work short of standing on her head, spinning in circles and chanting verses. Happily, (for me) I found her doing a search one day for "can virgins wear diva cup"!


Wish you could have seen the looks of horror the kiddos gave me when I asked if they wanted me to enter them to win cloth pads:)

Britta said...

I've been wanting to try these but haven't taken the next step. Sign me up!

Robj98168 said...

Thank you for excusing me and please dont sign me up!

Wendy said...

No need to sign me up, but I had to mention how much I love my Diva cup. It took me a month or so to get used to it. But, I really love it now.

Also, I actually like having my period. I use it as time for myself. And actually look forward to it.

Theresa said...

Handy with silicone injection molds - too funny!

I have switched to the Diva Cup and Luna pads, and quite like them. I don't use the Diva cup all the time (because when it overflows there is no advance warning) but do use it for 5 of 7 days of my cycle and all overnights.

Please do sign me up for the draw:)

Erin said...

Sign me up for the free pantyliners -- I would love to make the switch!


Anonymous said...

Sign me up, please! I bought cloth pads on ETSY, and I love them. Bought some for Cousin, she said "yuck" at first, now she uses them (so I need to get more for her). I'm going to buy them for all of my granola buddies. Can you imagine unwrapping cloth pads for Christmas, hee hee. It's time for me to give up the OB, and get a Diva Cup, for sure, at least for swimming! I'm sure the Diva would use less water than my cloth pads, I always worry about that, too? Thanks, LOVE you blog, dude....

tara said...

Please put me in for the drawing. I have been researching pad patterns and store bought reusables. I havent made the leap yet but want to.

Audrey said...

Put me in the drawing!

I plan on switching to the Diva cup very very soon! :)

Anonymous said...

hey, i'd like to be entered in the draw. i have no skills with sewing, so this would be a great way for me to try it out. i switched to natracare about a year and a half ago. i like them a lot more, less cramps, no plastic... but it's not quite as green as i'd like...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered in the drawing. I have switched to the Divacup but still use pantiliners. I'd also be interested in your pattern. THanks burban mom!

Jenn said...

honestly, what people wrote about all their issues with the Diva cup caused a lot of trepidation. I researched and read about it for five months before finally taking the plunge and when I did, I was really impressed.

No problems whatsoever.

In fact, it makes my day cycle more tolerable by cutting it down from 2-3 days to about 1-1.5 days. Before you get jealous, let me note that my cycle is every 19-21 days.

Until reading blogs and forums on cups and such, I always thought that the "28 day cycle" described in junior high health classes was a myth made up by men. Ugh.

4in4 said...

My husband is ardently opposed to my use of a Diva cup :( but I love love my cloth feminine products!