Joining Crunchy Chicken's No Waste ChallengeCrunchy Chicken is at it again! Remember when I joined her Freeze Yer Buns Off Challenge and lowered my thermostat to 65 during the day and 55 at night? Well now she's got a great new challenge called Project NO WASTE - No Overeating While Attempting to Save The Environment.
She came up with the idea while doing a post about overeating and its effect on the environment. Here's me quoting Crunchy, quoting the Journal of Agriculture and Human Values in an article titled Luxus Consumption: Wasting Food Resources Through Overeating:
Between 1983 and 2000, US food consumption, including waste, increased by 18% or 600 kcal per person. This consumption required 100.6 million hectares for the US population, and 3.1% of total US energy consumption. A 3.1% energy consumption increase - just from overeating.
Now these are averages here folks, so if you imagine all the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen-types bringing down the numbers, that leaves a Giant Chocolate-Covered Finger pointing straight at us - the average joes and josettes. It's time we all shut our big, fat pieholes for good and replaced them with something smaller. Perhaps a tarthole.
And don't think I'm going to be cheating by eating those low-calorie, processed and individually wrapped diet bars and stuff. No sir, those things have so much packaging that it would totally defeat the environmental aspect of the challenge. Plus, they have really weird ingredients that I can't even pronounce. Instead, my diet will continue to be based, as much as possible, on local foods grown within a 100 mile radius, or at a minimum - grown organically here in the US.
Of course, this new challenge ties in quite nicely with my #1 New Year's Resolution to lose weight so I'm doubly psyched about it. And it's fun for you too. Because if you want to laugh at my stats, just check Crunchy's site for updates on the challengers' progress. Or better yet, join the No Waste Challenge with me and we can
Hopefully this challenge will result in a net loss of 500 food calories per day, for five months. That's a total of 75,000 calories - the equivalent of 140 Big Macs!
After the initial five months, I should be at my goal weight and will maintain that weight by not exceeding 2000 food calories per day.
Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5
Not a fan of the diet. Me likey my food.
"And don't think I'm going to be cheating by eating those low-calorie, processed and individually wrapped diet bars and stuff. No sir, those things have so much packaging that it would totally defeat the environmental aspect of the challenge. Plus, they have really weird ingredients that I can't even pronounce."
Ha ha! That's exactly how I lost weight last year. I'm doing NOWASTE too and am determined to lose the 8 lbs I regained the "natural" way: eating healthy, exercising and being a total raving bitch because I'm so effing hungry!! Oops! Can you tell I've already started my diet.
You also save the energy spent on those "guilty" gym trips. Not that people don't need to exercise. But perhaps without consuming the unnecessary calories (organic or not), one does not have to be so obsessed with treadmills, ecliptic machines, or whatever the latest gym gadgetry. Instead, take a few brisk walks outside. No guilt involved. Just heart, figure and earth healthy.
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